AI for research

Revolutionizing Research With Generative AI (2): Writing and Editing

Navigating the AI-Driven Future of Writing and Editing

In our ongoing series on generative AI’s transformative impact (check my previous posts! [1,2]), we now focus on how Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4, Bard, and Bing are reshaping writing and editing in research. Based on insights from Anton Korinek’s paper, these AI tools are not just assisting but revolutionizing how we approach written communication.

Beyond Basic Writing: LLMs as Versatile Tools

LLMs demonstrate remarkable versatility, adapting to various writing styles from casual to academic. This adaptability highlights their practical utility across diverse fields.

To test their capabilities, I presented these AI models with a challenge.

The instructions were as follows:
“Write a paragraph in the style of an academic economist that integrates the following 6 points. Limit your response to 150 words.”

  1. Large language models (LLMs) automate many cognitive tasks.
  2. The work of data scientists is largely cognitive (add example).
  3. Data scientists should therefore worry about recent progress in LLMs.
  4. In the short run, these models can help us be more productive.
  5. In the long run, there is a good likelihood that they will displace human data scientists.
  6. We should think how to prepare (offer solution).

Note: I deliberately instructed them to draft paragraphs with a negative bias. Below are their responses.


The rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs) has ushered in a new era of cognitive task automation, reshaping the landscape of data science—a field inherently reliant on cognitive processes, such as the interpretation of complex data sets.

This technological leap presents a dual-edged sword for data scientists. On one hand, the immediate benefits are undeniable: LLMs enhance productivity by efficiently executing tasks that once consumed considerable human effort and time.

However, this advancement also casts a shadow on the future role of human data scientists. There looms a tangible possibility that LLMs, with their ever-improving capabilities, might eventually supplant the need for human intervention in many areas of data science.

To navigate this impending reality, it is imperative for data scientists to evolve alongside these AI developments.

Emphasizing skills that machines cannot easily replicate, such as creative problem-solving and ethical considerations in data use, could be the key to ensuring their indispensable role in the AI-augmented future.


The recent surge in Large Language Model (LLM) capabilities compels us to re-evaluate the future of data science, a profession demonstrably rich in cognitive tasks.

Hypothesis testing, model selection, and feature engineering, the very fabric of our craft, are increasingly within the grasp of these sophisticated algorithms.

While, in the immediate future, LLMs’ ability to automate routine tasks promises a productivity boost, a disquieting echo of automation’s past resonates.

We must acknowledge the long-term threat of displacement, potentially rendering data scientists as redundant as the loom-weavers in the face of the Industrial Revolution.

To avoid this fate, we must actively sculpt the future of our field. Investing in complementary, uniquely human skill sets like critical thinking, domain expertise, and ethical design will be paramount. Let us not await the obsolescence of our roles; let us proactively build an adaptable, LLM-augmented data science, where man and machine synergize to unlock the transformative potential of data.


Large Language Models (LLMs) are revolutionizing the automation of cognitive tasks, a domain traditionally occupied by data scientists. For instance, data cleaning, a cognitive task, can now be automated by LLMs.

This advancement, while beneficial in the short term by enhancing productivity, raises concerns for data scientists about potential displacement in the long run.

It is crucial to strategize for this inevitability. One solution could be to focus on developing skills that complement these models, such as interpretability and ethical decision-making, thereby ensuring a symbiotic relationship with LLMs. This approach could help data scientists remain indispensable in the era of LLMs.

Each LLM created coherent and logical paragraphs, given only bullet points as instructions. All models suggest data scientists to develop skills that are uniquely human and cannot be easily replicated by machines. These include critical thinking, domain expertise, ethical decision-making, and interpretability. By doing so, data scientists can ensure their indispensable role in an AI-augmented future.

Harnessing the Analytical Power of GPT-4 for Text Evaluation

The capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) in enhancing textual analysis is remarkable. My experiments with GPT-4 have confirmed its superiority in detailed and nuanced text evaluation, distinguishing it from other models like Bard and Bing.

I presented GPT-4 with a statement crafted by Bard for critique. GPT-4’s feedback was insightful, highlighting the statement’s strengths. Read Content

When tasked to identify five shortcomings of the statement, GPT-4’s response was incisive, pointing out areas such as lack of empirical support, overemphasis on potential displacement, and the need for more balanced perspectives. Read Content

I then challenged GPT-4 to revise the statement, incorporating its critique. The revised version was more balanced, acknowledging the current limitations of LLMs and the ongoing need for human expertise in data science.

The advent of advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) necessitates a thoughtful reevaluation of data science’s future, a field grounded in cognitive tasks like hypothesis testing, model selection, and feature engineering.

While LLMs are enhancing productivity by automating certain tasks, their current limitations mean they complement rather than replace the nuanced work of data scientists.

The immediate impact on data science is more about augmentation than displacement, underscoring the need for data scientists to adapt and grow with these technologies.

Investing in skills that synergize with LLMs—such as interpretative analysis, domain-specific knowledge, and ethical AI usage—is crucial.

This approach doesn’t signal the obsolescence of data scientists but rather a transformation of their roles, advocating for a balanced, LLM-assisted data science landscape where human expertise and machine efficiency coalesce to advance the field.

This exploration into LLMs’ capabilities in writing and editing demonstrates their potential as collaborative partners in the research process. It’s not just about AI taking over tasks but about how AI and human intelligence can coalesce to unlock new levels of efficiency and creativity.

Conclusion: Embracing the AI-Augmented Future

As we delve deeper into generative AI, we’re not only uncovering its potential in enhancing research efficiency but also envisioning a future where AI and human intelligence work in tandem. This series will continue to explore how AI is redefining research methodologies.

Join us in this journey to uncover the full spectrum of possibilities offered by generative AI!