AI for research

Revolutionizing Research With Generative AI (1): Ideation And Feedback

Navigating New Frontiers in Research with AI

In our exciting journey through the transformative world of generative AI, as discussed in the previous post “5 Ways Generative AI Can Supercharge Your Research Workflow”, we’ve begun to uncover the vast potential of AI in redefining research methodologies. Today, we focus on the first of these five pivotal domains: Ideation and Feedback, using advanced tools like GPT-4, Bard, and Bing.

The Ideation and Feedback Process in Research

Anton Korinek’s insightful paper underscores the significant role of ideation in research, where creativity, once the exclusive domain of humans, is now being replicated by Large Language Models (LLMs). This shift marks a pivotal change in research methodology, exemplified by a study by Girotra et al. (2023), which demonstrates GPT-4’s remarkable ability to outperform MBA students from a top US business school in generating innovative new product ideas.

The Utility of LLMs in Brainstorming

Seeking innovative perspectives on the intricate interplay between cognitive bias and AI, I reached out to leading generative AIs: GPT-4, Bard, and Bing. Each AI, with its unique programming and data processing capabilities, offered distinct insights into potential research topics in this field.

  1. Impact of Confirmation Bias in AI Training Datasets: Analyzing how developers’ preconceptions influence the selection and annotation of AI training data.
  2. Role of Anthropomorphism in AI Interaction: Investigating how attributing human-like qualities to AI systems affects user trust and reliance.
  3. Cognitive Biases in AI-Driven Financial Decision Making: Exploring how biases in algorithmic trading systems affect market dynamics and investor behavior.
  4. Bias Amplification in Social Media Algorithms: Examining how social media AI reinforces user biases through content recommendation systems.
  5. Overcoming Anchoring Bias in Medical AI Diagnostics: Studying the impact of initial diagnostic suggestions by AI on subsequent decisions by medical professionals.
  1. Framing Effects in LLM Recommendation Systems: How framing product descriptions or search results influences user choices and reinforces existing biases.
  2. Anchoring Bias in Algorithmic Trading: Do initial price suggestions offered by AI lead to suboptimal trading decisions due to anchoring bias?
  3. Loss Aversion and Explainable AI: Can tailoring AI explanations to address loss aversion (fear of losses) improve user trust and acceptance of AI-driven decisions?
  4. Confirmation Bias and Personalized Search: How do personalized search algorithms reinforce existing biases by prioritizing information that confirms users’ pre-existing beliefs?
  5. The “Coolidge Effect” in AI Adoption: Does the novelty of AI initially lead to overestimation of its benefits, followed by a decrease in engagement as users encounter limitations and biases?
  1. Bias in AI Training: Investigate how cognitive biases in trainers influence AI learning.
  2. Bias in AI Interpretation: Study how user’s cognitive biases affect their interpretation of AI outputs.
  3. Bias Mitigation Techniques: Research on techniques to mitigate the impact of cognitive biases in AI.
  4. Bias in AI Regulation: Explore how cognitive biases in regulators impact AI policy-making.
  5. Bias in AI Adoption: Analyze how cognitive biases affect the adoption and trust of AI systems.

The diversity of responses from GPT-4, Bard, and Bing illustrates the vast spectrum of ideas that generative AI can generate.

GPT-4’s responses were comprehensive, detailing how biases influence AI training datasets, AI interaction, and financial decision-making. Bard’s human-centric approach explored framing effects, anchoring bias, and loss aversion in AI. Bing’s pragmatic perspective addressed the broader implications of biases in AI training, interpretation, and regulation.

Each AI’s unique approach to brainstorming opens up different pathways of thought, encouraging us to think outside the box and consider aspects we might otherwise overlook.

Evaluating Ideas with AI

The role of LLMs extends beyond just brainstorming innovative ideas. A critical aspect of their functionality lies in providing feedback on research topic. This ability of LLMs to evaluate the pros and cons of research topics offers a balanced perspective that is often challenging for humans to achieve due to inherent biases.

To illustrate this, I solicited insights from GPT-4, Bard, and Bing on the pros and cons of studying the impact of cognitive bias on AI. Their responses provide a multifaceted view, highlighting the potential benefits and challenges of this research area.



  1. Enhances AI Fairness: Understanding cognitive biases helps in creating more equitable AI, reducing unintentional discrimination and bias in decision-making processes.
  2. Improves AI Reliability: Investigating these biases can lead to more accurate and reliable AI systems, enhancing their effectiveness in various applications.
  3. Contributes to Ethical AI Development: Insights into cognitive biases inform ethical AI guidelines, promoting responsible AI use and trust among users and stakeholders.


  1. Complexity in Isolation of Biases: Identifying and isolating specific cognitive biases in AI systems is complex due to the intertwined nature of data and algorithms.
  2. Subject to Rapid AI Evolution: The fast-paced evolution of AI technologies might outdate research findings quickly, requiring continuous study and adaptation.
  3. Potential Overemphasis on Limitations: Focusing heavily on cognitive biases may overshadow other critical aspects of AI development, such as efficiency and innovation.


  1. High Impact: Potential to shape responsible AI development and mitigate harmful biases.
  2. Emerging Field: Uncover novel insights and carve a unique research niche.
  3. Interdisciplinary Appeal: Bridge behavioral economics and AI for broader impact.


  1. Complexity: Requires understanding both cognitive psychology and AI algorithms.
  2. Evolving Target: AI systems constantly change, demanding flexible research approaches.
  3. Bias Blind Spots: Risk of research bias influencing study design and interpretation.


  1. Enhances AI fairness and reduces discrimination.
  2. Improves decision-making accuracy of AI systems.
  3. Advances understanding of AI behavior.


  1. Requires extensive interdisciplinary knowledge.
  2. Difficult to quantify and measure biases.
  3. Potential misuse of bias detection techniques.

The varied responses from GPT-4, Bard, and Bing demonstrate the depth and complexity of studying cognitive biases in AI.

GPT-4’s focus on fairness and ethical development, Bard’s emphasis on the field’s high impact and interdisciplinary nature, and Bing’s practical approach to enhancing AI behavior collectively provide a comprehensive view of the research landscape.

Each LLM offers a unique perspective, enriching our understanding of the potential benefits and challenges.

Providing Counterarguments

One of the most intriguing capabilities of LLMs is their proficiency in offering counterarguments, a critical tool in overcoming confirmation bias.

Exploring the assertion that generative AI may increase discrimination, the diverse responses from GPT-4, Bard, and Bing showcased the potential of AI to combat discrimination through diverse data training, algorithmic transparency, ethical development practices, and human-AI collaboration.

  1. Diverse Data Training: Generative AI trained on diverse, inclusive datasets can reduce biases, ensuring fairer and more equitable outcomes than human judgment alone.
  2. Algorithmic Transparency: Increasing transparency in AI algorithms allows for regular audits, identifying and correcting discriminatory patterns more efficiently than human processes.
  3. Ethical AI Development Practices: Adoption of ethical guidelines and responsible AI frameworks ensures AI systems are designed to actively counteract discrimination.
  4. Human-AI Collaboration: Human oversight combined with AI’s capabilities can mitigate biases, leveraging AI’s strengths while controlling for potential discriminatory outcomes.
  5. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Generative AI has the ability to continuously learn and adapt, allowing it to evolve and correct discriminatory tendencies over time.
  1. Mitigation Potential: Human oversight, bias detection tools, and responsible data choices can minimize bias.
  2. Transparency Tools: Explainable AI can demystify decision-making and expose potential bias.
  3. Diversity Push: LLMs trained on diverse datasets can reduce discriminatory outputs.
  4. Counter-Bias Training: Specific bias awareness training for LLMs can address targeted prejudice.
  5. Human Accountability: Ultimately, users and developers remain responsible for AI’s discriminatory actions.
  1. Bias Mitigation: AI can be designed to mitigate human biases, promoting fairness.
  2. Diverse Training Data: Inclusive data can reduce discrimination.
  3. Transparency: Open-source AI promotes scrutiny and bias correction.
  4. Regulation: Laws can be enacted to prevent AI discrimination.
  5. Continuous Learning: AI can adapt and improve over time, reducing bias.


Our exploration into the capabilities of generative AI has revealed that these tools are evolving into collaborative partners in the research process. The diversity in responses from different LLMs underscores the value of consulting a range of models for varied and insightful perspectives.

Stay tuned as we continue to navigate this exciting terrain, uncovering the full spectrum of generative AI’s potential to redefine and enhance research efficiency in upcoming posts.