Cognitive Biases and AI

AI In The Mirror: Seeing Bias Through Its Own Eyes

In my previous blog posts [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], we discussed latest research of the impact of cognitive bias on AI.

Continuing this exploration, I sought insights from leading generative AIs – GPT-4, Bard, Bing, Claude 2, and LlaMA. Here’s what they revealed about how cognitive bias shapes AI. Join the conversation and let us know which perspective resonates with you most.


Cognitive biases in human thinking can significantly impact AI systems, primarily through the data used for training.

These biases, often reflecting societal inequalities or stereotypes, can be inadvertently learned and perpetuated by AI. For example, a recruitment AI trained on biased historical hiring data may show gender preferences, and facial recognition technologies often exhibit racial biases due to unrepresentative training datasets.

The programming choices of developers can also introduce biases.

Additionally, users’ cognitive biases, like confirmation bias, may lead to over reliance or mistrust in AI outputs. Addressing these issues requires diverse datasets, transparent algorithm design, interdisciplinary development teams, and regular bias audits.


AI, fueled by vast data landscapes, holds immense promise. But lurking within is a shadow: our own cognitive biases. These mental shortcuts, while useful, can subtly warp AI’s learning, potentially amplifying societal inequalities.

Bias seeps in through the data, often mirroring our world’s prejudices. Gender stereotypes, racial insensitivity, and cultural inaccuracies can distort AI’s understanding, leading to harmful outputs that perpetuate stereotypes.

Beyond data, bias can be baked into the algorithms themselves. When AI prioritizes engagement over ethics, it might generate misleading content. Worse, relying solely on metrics like accuracy can mask harmful biases, excluding diverse perspectives.

So, how can we avoid AI mirroring our worst biases? Acknowledging the problem is key. Developers need to actively seek diverse data, design fair algorithms, and employ human oversight. Transparency is crucial – open data and algorithms promote public scrutiny and responsible use.

This fight against bias requires collaboration. Developers, researchers, ethicists, and policymakers must work together to establish best practices. Engaging diverse communities is vital to ensure AI reflects the needs and values of all.

The journey towards bias-free AI is ongoing. By facing the risks, embracing transparency, and fostering collaboration, we can harness AI’s immense potential to build a more equitable future, where technology serves us all, not perpetuates our biases.


Cognitive bias is a term used to describe the tendency for people’s feelings and experiences to affect their judgment.

In AI, cognitive biases are inherent in how our brains naturally process information.

These biases can place significant limits on how intelligent machines function. For example, a cognitive bias known as rationalization is tricky or even dangerous for AI.

Cognitive biases are ingrained in the human psyche, and they aren’t going anywhere. Therefore, AI systems will have to account for them. 

However, a new report from the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University shows that human cognitive bias can actually help the algorithms reach better decisionsThere is no way to create a perfect AI system, but understanding cognitive biases is the first step toward correcting lousy decision-making.

Claude 2

Cognitive biases can negatively impact AI systems in a number of ways.

Biased training data can propagate harmful assumptions and lead models to make decisions that discriminate against certain groups.

Overgeneralization and a lack of model interpretability may cause AI to fail or behave poorly in new contexts.

Optimization focused solely on accuracy could incentivize exploiting vulnerabilities rather than behaving ethically.

Steps like auditing data and models for bias, testing thoroughly across contexts, and aligning objectives with ethics can help mitigate issues, but sustained effort is vital for reducing bias’ effects.

Continued progress in AI safety research is essential to develop systems robust enough for real-world use.

Llama-2-70b (Operated by Poe)

Cognitive bias can have a significant impact on AI systems, as these biases can be present in the data used to train the AI, the algorithms used to develop the AI, and the way humans interact with the AI.

Here are some ways cognitive bias can affect AI:

  1. Data bias: AI is often trained on large datasets, which can contain biases and stereotypes. For example, if a facial recognition AI is trained on a dataset that only includes white faces, it may have difficulty recognizing faces of other races.
  2. Algorithmic bias: The algorithms used to develop AI can also introduce biases. For example, a natural language processing AI may be biased towards a particular dialect or language, making it difficult for people who speak other dialects or languages to communicate effectively.
  3. Human bias: Humans can also introduce biases when interacting with AI. For example, a chatbot designed to provide customer service may be biased towards responding to male customers more quickly than female customers.
  4. Confirmation bias: AI can also be affected by confirmation bias, where it is trained to confirm existing beliefs or biases. For example, an AI designed to analyze medical data may be biased towards identifying certain conditions more frequently than others, leading to inaccurate diagnoses.
  5. Feedback loop: AI can also create a feedback loop where biases are reinforced. For example, an AI that is biased towards recommending certain products may lead to customers purchasing those products more frequently, which can further reinforce the bias.

Let’s delve into a deeper discussion

Common Theme: Data Bias

A striking common thread across all AI responses is data bias. Each AI model acknowledges the danger of skewed datasets, with examples ranging from gendered hiring algorithms to racially biased facial recognition. This consensus underscores the critical role of diverse and representative data in creating fair and responsible AI.

Algorithmic Bias and Human Influence

Beyond data, the conversation delves into the algorithms themselves. Bard and Claude 2 raise concerns about metrics like accuracy masking harmful biases or engagement-driven content promoting misinformation. Ethical considerations must be integrated into AI development, moving beyond just technical performance.

Breaking the Bias Cycle

While acknowledging the challenge, our AI interlocutors offer solutions. GPT-4 and Claude 2 advocate for transparent algorithms, diverse development teams, and regular bias audits. Bard emphasize the importance of collaboration across disciplines and communities to ensure AI reflects the needs and values of all. These proactive approaches provide a roadmap for mitigating bias and building a more equitable future with AI.

The Counterintuitive Role of Cognitive Biases

Bing’s unique stance that cognitive biases might aid AI decision-making opens an intriguing debate. Could certain biases, like a tendency towards caution, actually enhance AI functionality, such as in autonomous vehicles? This perspective offers a nuanced view of biases as potential tools rather than mere obstacles.


Reflecting on these insights, we see that navigating biases in AI is a complex but essential task. The future of AI lies in the hands of developers, policymakers, ethicists, and society. Our collective efforts will determine whether AI becomes a tool for perpetuating biases or a means to overcome them. Join the discussion and share which AI perspective you find most compelling!